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Appointed Times of Celebration

7th Day Sabbath 

We observe the seventh day Sabbath from sunset to sunset as we have been commanded in Exodus 20:8-10. We embrace this Day of Rest that was created for all men, according to Mark 2:27-28. Weekly on Friday night, we gather for bible study to reign in this awesome appointment with God.

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Passover & Feast of Unleavened Bread


Passover occurs on Abib 14, which happens usually within March or April. This is the first annual celebration of the children of Israel being redeemed by the LORD from slavery in Egypt. Mainly, it is a memorial of when God commanded were then commanded to put the blood of a lamb without spot or wrinkle upon their doorposts. When God saw the blood, he passed over them, saving them from the 10th plague sent by God. Also, we remember that Jesus died on Passover and became the Perfect Lamb sacrifice that was slain to save humanity from sin. The Feast of Unleavened Bread  follows thereafter for a seven-day celebration wherein believers refrain from eating leavened bread as a reminder that we should remain unleavened lumps, free from sin.

Feast of Weeks: Pentecost


According to the scriptures, after the seventh day Sabbath within the Feast of Unleavened Bread, believers have been commanded to count fifty days. Actually we are commanded to count 7- weekly Sabbaths, and the day after the seventh Sabbath will be the 50th day, A.K.A Feast of Weeks. It is also known as the Day of Pentecost. This is the day, that believers were first empowered and given the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said will lead believers into all truth and help us to remember and do God's word.

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Feast of Trumpets: Yom Teruah


This is the first annual appointed time during the month feast series. It is a day wherein believers have been commanded by God to sound aloud two silver trumpets. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16, the trumpet of God is to notify everyone that Messiah has come again to establish the Kingdom of God. In the same manner that the Messiah is to come, we are to listen for the sound of the trumpet in the land. 

Day of Atonement: Yom Kippur)

The Day of Atonement, according to the Bible, is the annual appointment for believers to commit to a day of fasting from food and drinks from sunset to sunset as found in Leviticus 23:26-32. Believers will assemble and celebrate that the Lord Jesus gave His life for the forgiveness of sin. Through Him alone, believers are able to walk in freedom from sin. Rather than a day of mourning and sadness, it is a day to reflect, regroup and rejoice in that sins are covered by the Most High's perfect sacrifice. 


Feast of Tabernacles: Hag Sukkot


The Feast of Tabernacles is the annual appointment that commemorates when God caused His people to dwell in tents made of branches and brush in the desert as they sojourned to the Promised Land. For eight days, believers are to rejoice before God in celebration of His mighty deliverance. Leviticus 23:39;40. Similarly, this day also reminds believers that Jesus, who came from God, took on temporary flesh to dwell among us. (John 1:14) Because He became like us and rose from the dead, believers are to rejoice in the promise of access to eternal life through Him.

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